Saturday, December 17, 2011

Busy December

We went into a quiet period as we retooled the operation.  One always wonders, when things are changed, if the changes will be correct.   We feel that we are on track once again.

In the last 24 hour period The Community Reserve has helped in 4 needy situations.

Case #1     Because of a divorce this lady needed help and she received a nice donation.  She is trying to help herself by starting a cleaning business. The name is BJ Mag Cleaning Service (Residential and Commercial).  Call 219-575-1971 to give this brave lady a chance to get her business going.

Case #2   Fire victim:  This family had a pickup filled with furniture and bedding.

Case #3   Fire victim:  This family came with a trailor and it was filled as well.

Case #4   This one really touched our hearts.  We had received a like new, modern walker from Hamilton Grove. At the food pantry a lady that had an old-fashioned walker came for food.  She has problems with her legs that make it hard for her to walk and the old walker made things worse.  She now has a modern, nearly new walker. It has adjustable handles, larger wheels that adjust to travel needs, baskets and a seat if needed.  She said that she had wanted one like that but she had no  money for it.

What a 24 hour period.  Several volunteers working in the cold, donations being taken off trucks and going directly onto clients vehicles, prayers being given, and a few tears have been a part of the last day.  This is great work, helping very needy situations, especially during this season.

Marv Larue,
The Community Reserve