Saturday, February 5, 2011


The Community Reserve just made two donations that make us remember why we do what we do.

Case #1  A young man came to the Reserve storage room with his CASA representative. Court Appointed Child Advocate.  For what ever reason the young father needed clothing for a 3 month old son. He was able to select from the inventory enough clothing and coats to fill a tall kitchen bag. 

Case #2   A woman was identified by a social worker agent of ours.  This great lady continues to find people in need for us.   JAN----keep up the great work.  Her client was spending disability money for RENTAL furniture.  This client received a glider with a glider foot stool, a three piece sectional, bunk beds, 4 chairs, a dining table,a box of dishes, a floor lamp, and a card table.  Now she can send the rental stuff back and her cash is free to be used for other necessary things.

Thanks to the community that continues to donate to The Community Reserve.
CVS, Vertex Surveying, Wrap, Pack, and Ship, our corporate helpers, and this great community can not be thanked enough

Marv Larue
The Community Reserve